How to Effectively Handle Disrespectful and Disruptive Situations


As a coordinator or teacher of an Alliance Program school, you have the responsibility of guiding students to be successful in both their academics and conduct discipline. But what do you do when students misbehave? Dealing with student behavior can be a challenge. By understanding why students display such behavior and knowing how to approach them, you can effectively handle disrespectful or disruptive situations. Read on for tips on how to engage in a productive and meaningful way!

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Setting Up a Computer Lab for a Partner School: A Step-by-Step Guide


As the manager of a partner school, you may face the challenge of setting up a computer lab for your students. While this may seem daunting at first, it doesn’t have to be! With proper preparation and research, you can easily set up a functional computer lab that will serve as an invaluable resource for your students. In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to select the right computers and monitors, how to properly configure the network settings, and how to set up firewalls and antivirus software. Read on to learn more!

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