Protect Your Child's Online School Experience: Understand What a VPN Is and Why It Matters


As parents, it's our job to ensure the safety of our children. That's where virtual private networks (VPNs) come in. With a VPN, your child can browse the internet with confidence and security. In this post, we'll explain what a VPN is and why it matters for online students. So keep reading to learn more about how this technology can give you peace of mind while your child learns at home!

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Unlock the Power of Writing: An Introduction to Word Processors on Your Computer!


Welcome to the world of word processors! A word processor is a computer program that helps you create and edit documents with ease. From class assignments to book reports to creative stories, you can use a word processor to type, save, and print all types of written documents. Whether you use Google Docs or Microsoft Word, this guide will help you unlock the power of writing on your computer!

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Do Online Students Need a Printer? A Parent's Guide to Outfitting Your Child for Success


As the parent of a student learning online, you want to get the most out of their education. But one question might loom large: do they need a printer? It seems like an obvious necessity – yet keep in mind that online students don't have to lug a backpack full of books and papers. So is a printer really necessary? In this blog post, we will provide some tips on types of printers that your student can use in case they will need to print some lessons or work on projects.

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Understanding Operating Systems: A Guide for Parents of Online Students


Parents of online students often have questions about the technology their children use. One important topic to understand is operating systems, as they are the foundation of every computer and device. Whether it's a PC, Chromebook, Mac, or another device, each has an operating system (OS) that helps it run and allows users to do various tasks. In this blog post, we'll explain what an operating system is and how it affects online learning. We'll also provide helpful tips on choosing the right OS for your child's needs.

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Keep Your Online Student's Browser Up-to-Date: A Guide for Parents on Chrome and Firefox


As parents of online school students, it's important to keep our children's computer browsers up-to-date. With the rapid development of technology and new vulnerabilities in online security, having an outdated browser can put your child at risk. In this blog post, we'll explore how to stay on top of the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox browsers and ensure your student's online safety. We'll discuss why it's so important to keep browsers updated, as well as provide step-by-step instructions for updating them. Let's get started!

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Learn Anywhere with Online Schooling


Have you ever wanted to learn something new, but the traditional classroom setting just isn’t for you? With online learning, your classroom can be wherever you choose. Now more than ever before, students have the opportunity to explore their interests and expand their knowledge with eLearning platforms that are available from the comfort of home.

The transition from a traditional classroom to an online school has opened up new opportunities for students all around the world. With the internet being so accessible and technology advancing at such a rapid rate, you can attend classes anywhere—whether it be in bed, on the beach, or even in your PJs!

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How Much Computer Storage Does Your Online Student Need?


Are you a parent of a student who is taking online classes? If so, you may be wondering how much computer storage your student needs. While it's easy to think that more is better, there are a few key considerations to bear in mind when assessing the amount of storage your student should have. In this blog post, we'll look at the different types of storage available and explain why having just the right amount can help ensure your student's success.

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Are a Webcam and Microphone Required for Your Child's Online Learning?


If you’ve found yourself in the position of having to help your child learn from home, you may be wondering how important it is to have a webcam and microphone for their computer. The answer is: it depends! 

It might be an essential tool for participating in online classes or social opportunities, or it could just be a nice bonus. Keep in mind that many computers come with a built-in webcam and microphone, but they may not be of the best quality. Read on to find out more about the role of webcams and microphones in online learning, and what you need to know when deciding if your child needs one.

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Is an Online High School Diploma Enough to Impress Employers?


As online high schools become increasingly popular, parents are often left wondering: will employers take a diploma from an online school seriously? The answer is a resounding yes! 

In today's digital world, online education is becoming more common — and employers are taking notice. From larger corporations to small businesses, hiring managers are beginning to understand the value of an online high school diploma. This article will explore why employers are so impressed with online diplomas and how you can make sure your student's credentials stand out from the rest.

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Maximize Your Child's Online Learning: Understanding Recommended Upload and Download Speeds


With more and more students pursuing their education through an online platform, it’s essential to make sure your home internet connection can keep up with the demands of their coursework. Knowing the recommended upload and download speeds for your student’s classes will help ensure that their learning experience is never hindered by a slow connection. In this post, we’ll look at what speeds are recommended for online students and how you can maximize your child’s online learning.

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Don't Let Your Online Student's Computer Lag: A Parent's Guide to Clearing Cache and Cookies


As a parent of an online student, you know that having a reliable computer is key. But if your student's computer is lagging, it could be due to the fact that their cache and cookies haven't been cleared in a while. Don't worry - clearing them can be easy! In this blog post, we'll show you how to clear your cache and cookies quickly and efficiently so that your student's computer can keep up with the demands of online learning. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax - we promise this won't take too long!

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Protect Your Computer: How to Find the Best Anti-Virus Software


With so many options available, locating the best antivirus software to protect your computer can be a daunting task. As busy parents, you want to make sure that your family is secure from any threats that could potentially harm your computer and data. It's important to have reliable anti-virus protection on your PC, Mac, or Chromebook in order to keep malicious viruses and malware at bay. In this blog post, we'll explore the features of top antivirus software for busy parents and share tips for selecting the perfect solution for you.

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Does an Online School Diploma Hold the Same Weight as a Traditional High School Diploma?


With the growing popularity of online schooling, more parents are considering enrolling their children in an online school. But a common concern among these parents is whether or not their child's diploma will be taken seriously by universities and employers. After all, the traditional high school diploma has been seen as a benchmark of success for generations. So can an online school diploma stand up to the same standard? The answer is yes!

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How Traveling for Work Can Enhance Your Online Student's Education


As a working parent, have you ever wished your child could join you on business trips? With online education, it's now a possibility. Nowadays, children can attend class from anywhere. And with the right technology and planning, you can use your work-related travel as an educational opportunity for your student. In this blog post, we'll look at how to make the most of your working trips by turning them into learning experiences for your online student.

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Accredited Homeschool Programs for Third-Grade Students


With the increasing demand for quality education, more parents are looking for alternatives to traditional schooling. Homeschooling is one such option, offering a range of benefits including a customized curriculum and flexible learning schedules. For parents considering homeschooling their third-grade students, this blog post will offer some tips on how to choose the best program.

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Expand Your Child's Horizons: Learn & Connect with Students Around the World


Our world is becoming increasingly connected, and technology has opened up exciting opportunities for students to learn new subjects, connect with peers, and explore different cultures. With online learning platforms, your child can now study with thousands of other students from around the world. Not only does this open up access to a wider range of educational content, but it also helps them build relationships with people from different backgrounds and cultures – exposing them to new ideas and perspectives. So, if you want your child to have more diverse friends and gain valuable insights into global issues, why not get them started on an online course today?

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Keeping Your Brain Sharp


Summer is a time of rest and relaxation, and for most people this means putting off most, if not all, of their academic endeavors. And while taking a mental break can be a good thing and result in renewed energy for school later, this doesn’t mean that learning has to stop. It’s easy to fall victim to laziness during the summer and cease reading and learning in every capacity.

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Technical ESOs for 12th Graders: Carefully Storing Sensitive Data


At Enlightium Academy, students have Expected Student Outcomes (ESOs) for each grade level. This means that upon completing the 12th grade, each student is expected to grow not just academically, but spiritually and socially.

One of the three academic ESOs is technical capabilities. Upon reviewing this article, students in 12th grade are expected to understand the reason for carefully storing sensitive data.

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Technical ESOs for 11th Graders: Creating Secure Passwords


At Enlightium Academy, students have Expected Student Outcomes (ESOs) for each grade level. This means that upon completing the 11th grade, each student is expected to grow not just academically, but spiritually and socially.

One of the three academic ESOs is technical capabilities. Upon reviewing this article, students in 11th grade are expected to understand the reason for creating secure passwords.

Passwords can be a beast. Below are some practical (and actually sort of fun) actions for you to take to stay on top of your passwords.

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Technical ESOs for 10th Graders: Understanding Malware and Antivirus


At Enlightium Academy, students have Expected Student Outcomes (ESOs) for each grade level. This means that upon completing the 10th grade, each student is expected to grow not just academically, but spiritually and socially.

One of the three academic ESOs is technical capabilities. Upon reviewing this article, students in 10th grade are expected to understand malware and antivirus.

Keeping your computer free from malware allows you to surf safely. Malware could be planted by hackers, terrorists, or bored individuals.

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