
The Washington Post states that homeschooling is the fastest-growing education in America.1 As families dive headfirst into this educational journey, many are taken aback to find burnout strikes halfway through the year, and school isn’t fun anymore. What do you do in situations like this? It is very typical to feel burnt out during the winter months. The winter season brings on busy holidays, sickness, and dreary weather. Suddenly, you feel like you are drudging through the content; it is difficult to focus, and you have just lost interest. It is easy to feel emotionally bogged down and physically drained. You are finding it difficult to be creative and engaged. This isn’t just true for parents but for students as well.

Students feel the pressure to not fall behind. They get stuck in a task-oriented schedule where there is little room for creativity, independent projects, and good old-fashioned free time. It is time to change things up a bit. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take as a homeschool parent to help you and your student recharge when burnout strikes. Here are some tips on recovering and getting back on track without causing further stress or anxiety.


Take a Break and Rest

Take a long weekend off, not just from school but from activities as well. Have enough downtime that you have to ‘find something to do.’ Adults and children alike need to explore, create, and discover. These activities provide excitement, stimulate the brain, and contribute to improved mental health. Find activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation. Find rest in meditation, prayer, reading, and a long walk. This activity allows the brain to get quiet and often can bring a new perspective to situations you have been struggling with. 


Create an Action Plan

After a break, take a day to reassess your daily/weekly schedule and create a plan. It is really easy to overplan and fill up every moment. Take a look at where you are:  

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a new schedule after experiencing burnout:

  1. Consider easing back in with shorter days and focusing on fewer subjects. Then, once you’re back in a routine, gradually pick up the pace. 
  2. Make sure to add breaks throughout the day. 
  3. Incorporating physical activity during the day helps students avoid feeling overwhelmed with school. 
  4. Create a schedule and stick to it. Remember that school should have a start and end time. 
  5. After school should be a time when families can rest their minds and bodies by enjoying a hobby or activity.


Make Self Care a Priority

Self-care is essential when combating burnout, but often, it's overlooked due to the demands of homeschooling. Making sure that there is ample time during the day for self-care activities such as reading, writing, cooking, listening to music, praying, or taking a walk outdoors can go a long way in boosting energy levels and promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. Letting your student take some time off from their studies every now and again will allow them to regain focus without feeling guilty about taking a break from their work.


Seek Professional Help When Needed

While simple steps like these may be enough for some students who experience occasional bouts of burnout, others may need more support in order to get back on track with their studies. If this is the case with your student, don't hesitate to seek professional help from counselors or other trusted advisors who specialize in helping students manage stress and anxiety-related issues. Having someone knowledgeable by their side can be invaluable when dealing with prolonged periods of extreme exhaustion due to overworking oneself at home or within other extra-curricular settings!

Burnout can be difficult for both students and parents alike—but it doesn't have to ruin your homeschool journey! By recognizing signs of burnout early on, parents can take proactive steps towards helping their children recover quickly while also strengthening their bond as parent/student relationships deepen over time from shared experiences!


Enlightium Academy is a private Christian online school that serves homeschooling families by offering a Bible-based, flexible, accredited, teacher-supported, and affordable education from the comfort of your home. For any other questions about Enlightium, please call (509) 319-2288, or visit

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  1. Jamison, Peter.  Meckler, Laura.  Gordy, Prayag. Ence Morse, Clara. Alcantara, Chris “Homeschool’s Rise From Fringe to the Fastest Growing Form of Education”. Washington Post,  2/21/2024.