Giving Options to Christian School Leaders


Change is hard. During the recent COVID pandemic, countless schools were forced to adapt, and this led to an unprecedented number of K-12 students completing their school work virtually. Although the worst of the pandemic is behind us, many students have continued seeking online options for their education. Now, school leaders are in the position to consider their long-term strategic plan regarding online schooling.

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How to Effectively Handle Disrespectful and Disruptive Situations


As a coordinator or teacher of an Alliance Program school, you have the responsibility of guiding students to be successful in both their academics and conduct discipline. But what do you do when students misbehave? Dealing with student behavior can be a challenge. By understanding why students display such behavior and knowing how to approach them, you can effectively handle disrespectful or disruptive situations. Read on for tips on how to engage in a productive and meaningful way!

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Creating the Perfect Hybrid Homeschool: How to Start an Alliance Program with Enlightium Academy


What is the Alliance Program?

With the rise of hybrid homeschools, many parents are considering starting their own micro schools. But how do you get started? Enlightium Academy offers the Alliance Program, which provides parents with the tools and resources needed to create a successful local micro school. By following these steps, you can make sure your school is tailored to meet the needs of your children (and their friends) and provide them with a quality education.

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Interested in Starting a Private School in Your Community?


Starting a Christian private school in your community is an exciting yet challenging endeavor. It requires assembling a team of like-minded individuals who can work as a team on:

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Start Your Own Homeschool Co-Op Near You With Enlightium Academy's Alliance Program


As more parents look for personalized, flexible education solutions for their kids, homeschooling is becoming an increasingly popular choice. If you're considering starting a homeschool center in your city, Enlightium Academy's Alliance Program can provide the resources you need to get started.

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Optimize Your Partner School's Daily Schedule: Tips for Coordinators to Create Effective Plans


When it comes to leading an Alliance school, creating an effective daily schedule for students is essential. Not only does it help ensure that learning objectives are met, but it also helps create a structure and rhythm that can boost productivity and aid classroom management. In this blog post, we provide tips for Alliance school coordinators on optimizing their students' daily schedules. We'll cover how to plan math, English, history, and science classes, as well as exciting electives like art and music. We'll also discuss the importance of providing breaks and lunch throughout the day so your students can stay energized and focused. 

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Ready, Set, Launch! How to Start a Micro-school with Just Ten Students


Are you ready to start a micro-school? With just ten students, you can launch a school with the help of the Enlightium Academy Alliance Program team. All you need is a space within your church or a community center, a few computers, and the commitment and enthusiasm to create an individualized learning environment for your students. Let Enlightium Academy help you make your dream of launching a micro-school a reality!

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Setting Up a Computer Lab for a Partner School: A Step-by-Step Guide


As the manager of a partner school, you may face the challenge of setting up a computer lab for your students. While this may seem daunting at first, it doesn’t have to be! With proper preparation and research, you can easily set up a functional computer lab that will serve as an invaluable resource for your students. In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to select the right computers and monitors, how to properly configure the network settings, and how to set up firewalls and antivirus software. Read on to learn more!

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