10 Good Bible Verses to Help Teens Stay Strong in Today's World


Being a teenager can be tough, especially in today's world, where there are so many challenges and pressures. It's important for students to have a strong foundation to lean on during these difficult times. As parents and mentors, it's our responsibility to guide them toward sources of strength and inspiration. With this in mind, I have compiled a list of ten Bible verses that can help your student stay strong and grounded despite the challenges he or she may face. 

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Asking the Question: “What is the Will of God?”


When I became a Christian at nineteen years old, I wondered at the idea of God’s will for my life. I was a sophomore in college, and it felt like one wrong choice could derail my future. In my prayers, I would ask the LORD, “What does it mean to ‘do’ or to ‘live’ according to Your will?”

My ideas of God’s will for my life were somewhat confused. I grew up watching movies and reading books that used terms like “fate” and “destiny” to describe the trajectory of human life and actions. So, I wondered, “Is God’s will just a Christian term for ‘fate’? Is everything about my life predetermined, such that I have no personal will or influence?” On the other hand, the greatest heroes talk of making their destiny, rising from the ashes to battle their way to eternal glory. So then, perhaps humans carve our destiny by acting boldly and taking action. But where does that leave God?

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