Setting a Christian Example for Your Children

Setting a Christian Example for Your Children

Many parents ask themselves at one time or another, “How can I set a good example for my child? When is a good time to start? Does it really make a difference?” As Christian parents, we know that God has given us children to teach and direct in His way. It is a great responsibility, but where do we begin?

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5 Ideas for Faith-Filled Father’s Day Activities

5 Ideas for Faith-Filled Father’s Day Activities

Have you ever felt a bit startled when someone asked you, “How are you planning to spend Father’s Day?” This holiday, which has been celebrated in the U.S. since 1910, aims to focus on a very important male figure that is often taken for granted.

I remember a particular Father’s Day church service where the fathers were given a mini-screwdriver as a reminder of who they really were—troubleshooters! While many fathers do assume this role, they are so much more than troubleshooters. Taking time to honor our fathers really does take genuine effort and thoughtfulness on the part of every family member.

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