Martin Luther King Day 2017|Celebrating Change

Martin Luther King Day 2017|Celebrating Change

When is Martin Luther King Day 2017?

Now that the holiday season is over, it may seem like there isn't much left to celebrate. Many of us are focused on getting back into the swing of things at school and making good on our New Year's resolutions. Regardless, January is full of holidays, from Russian Christmas to Chinese New Year and Fun at Work Day. Although you can find something to celebrate nearly every day of the month, one January holiday stands out from the rest. Martin Luther King Day is a very important holiday in the history of the US, is federally recognized as a national holiday, and falls on Monday, January 16th this year.


In this blog article, you will learn more about the important significance of this holiday, including:

  • The reason we celebrate Martin Luther King Day

  • Little-known Martin Luther King Jr. facts

  • Some of Dr. King’s famous quotes

  • The history of Martin Luther King Day as a holiday

  • A list of the public and private offices that are closed to observe Martin Luther King Day 

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Bible Verses About Fathers that Transform a Dad’s Heart

Bible Verses About Fathers that Transform a Dad’s Heart

Since the birth of my son, Father’s Day has become a very special holiday in our family. My wife has a gift of celebrating other people, and she goes all out to make me feel special as a dad with a day full of my favorite activities and food, along with a gift. This year, she wants to buy me a new disc for disc golfing. Although receiving material gifts can be fun, there are a few other things that I would much rather receive from my son. These treasures are founded in a collection of Bible verses about fathers I’ve found inspirational as a dad.

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10 Fun Facts About Thomas Jefferson

10 Fun Facts About Thomas Jefferson

At a conference last year I heard Eric Metaxas, author of the bestselling books Amazing Grace and 7 Men, speak about the fact that our country needs to remember and venerate its heroes. Heroes give young people someone to look up to and emulate. They teach students that they can have a positive impact on the world around them when they use their God-given talents. Finally, they teach us all that greatness in the pure unselfish sense is something worth striving for. This does not mean we should focus only on their greatest accomplishments. Instead, we should accepted that the whole life of a hero or heroine is part of their legacy.


One of our greatest national heroes is indisputably Thomas Jefferson, who will have his 273 birthday on April 13th. Jefferson’s face is familiar to most americans. After all, it was famously carved into Mt. Rushmore, and is, perhaps less famously, printed on the 2 dollar bill. Jefferson accomplished much in his life, both in his career as third President of the United States and beyond. Perhaps the most interesting fact about Jefferson is that he apparently did not consider his presidency as his greatest achievement.

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5 Ideas for Homemade Kids Valentines Day Cards

5 Ideas for Homemade Kids Valentines Day Cards

I have always had trouble investing in the idea of Valentine’s Day that is promoted by stores with pink confetti, chocolates, expensive bouquets, and fluffy teddy bears. On the other hand, I am a huge fan of expressing affection and appreciation for people close to me, whether they are friends or family. John 13:34-35 says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” One active step in following this commandment is to express your love to others with intentionality.


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Writing a Simple New Year’s Resolution for Christian Youth

Writing a Simple New Year’s Resolution for Christian Youth

New beginnings present a chance for renewal and a reminder to make a fresh start. Still, New Year’s resolutions can be intimidating, especially for students, who often feel that their lives are already full of assignments and commitments. Some make the mistake of making resolutions so monumental or complicated that they give up before they even start. A New Year’s resolution for Christian youth needs to be simple enough to succeed, while maintaining a strong foundation in the Word of God.

We encourage students to use this opportunity for contemplation and to consider some simple resolutions that they can meet and that will benefit them throughout the year.

Here are 3 simple resolutions for Christian youth who want a fresh start in the New Year:


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5 Ideas for Faith-Filled Father’s Day Activities

5 Ideas for Faith-Filled Father’s Day Activities

Have you ever felt a bit startled when someone asked you, “How are you planning to spend Father’s Day?” This holiday, which has been celebrated in the U.S. since 1910, aims to focus on a very important male figure that is often taken for granted.

I remember a particular Father’s Day church service where the fathers were given a mini-screwdriver as a reminder of who they really were—troubleshooters! While many fathers do assume this role, they are so much more than troubleshooters. Taking time to honor our fathers really does take genuine effort and thoughtfulness on the part of every family member.

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5 Ways To Teach Your Child Why Memorial Day is Important

5 Ways To Teach Your Child Why Memorial Day is Important

Many children know what Memorial Day means – a day off from school! While getting a day to enjoy the beautiful May weather is a reason to celebrate, it is also important to remember why Memorial Day is important. This federal holiday is a great opportunity to teach your children about duty, honor and patriotism. 

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5 DIY Mothers Day Gift Ideas: Spend A Day with Mom

Wondering what do it yourself (DIY) ideas you can do to celebrate this Mothers Day? You are not alone. Showing your admiration for the woman who gives so much, when you don’t have a lot of financial resources can be challenging. However, we think we know a secret that will help you…

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