Individualized Support for Learning


No two kids learn the same way. The “one-size-fits-all” approach in education does not cover the needs of every child. Children have different learning styles, work at different paces, and have unique strengths and weaknesses. However, many brick-and-mortar schools are struggling to meet each child's individual needs in the following areas:

  • Learning accommodations
  • Special needs
  • Gifted and talented programs
  • Flexibility to accommodate chronic illness, injury, or difficult life circumstances

The benefits of meeting students’ needs in an online setting1: 

Enhanced communication. Children feel more empowered to share their ideas and are less afraid to pose questions to teachers. They interact with less regard to students’ race, dress, and other factors. 

Accommodations of different learning styles. Learning material can be presented in different ways that benefit children with needs. Students can also receive one-on-one attention from an instructor when they need guidance in a lesson. 

Unprecedented access to curriculum and instruction. The availability of curriculum and instruction at any time and place gives students a level of freedom that is unavailable in a brick-and-mortar school.

Frequent assessments. Immediate feedback allows instructors to change their delivery of content, as well as assist with any weaknesses and highlight the strengths of the child. 

Access to teachers. Online learning allows a student in one location to “share” their instructors with students located on the other side of the world.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget; teach me and I may remember; involve me and I learn.”

At Enlightium Academy, teachers recognize the individual needs of their students and engage them in the learning journey.

What Enlightium Academy parents are saying about individualised learning: 

  • “I believe that education should be an individual thing as everyone learns differently. Enlightium gave us the opportunity to have our son work at his own pace.” Parent of a 6th-grade student, North Carolina
  • “I believe that the influences in public school brought out the worst parts of our daughter’s character and the bullying was out of control. I believe that her introduction to a whole world of people with beliefs like my own helped mold her into a truly good person which will benefit her when she is out in the world on her own.” Parent of an 8th-grade student, Virginia
  • “The classroom setup does not work for everyone. Some students are more likely to learn online where they are actively learning.” Parent of a 9th grade student, United Arab Emirates

How does Enlightium Academy make the needs of individual students a priority?

Enlightium takes your child's needs into consideration the moment you enroll in our online Christian homeschooling program. New students complete an entrance assessment in English and math after they enroll. We use this information, along with their previous school’s records, to determine their strengths and weaknesses and design a plan that will set them up for success. 

Many students who struggle in a traditional classroom love the interactive format of Enlightium’s curriculum. Students have the ability to read text aloud and are not restricted to completing school work at a certain time of day, although teachers are only available during school hours. Students can move at their own pace as long as they keep up with the weekly schedule. 

Enlightium Academy values a collaborative approach with parents in educating students, so our counselors engage parents during the enrollment process, keep parents informed about their child’s progress, and provide additional customization specific to the child’s needs if applicable. Parents are also encouraged to communicate with their student’s teachers. Whatever your child needs educationally, we make it our priority to meet them.

Enlightium offers modified, regular, and honors courses for students in grades 3–12, NCAA and Advanced Placement (AP) courses for high school students, and more! 

We hope you have found this information helpful and invite you to call (509)319-2288 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions you have about online homeschooling with a Christian worldview.


Enlightium Academy is a private Christian online school that serves homeschooling families by offering a Bible-based, flexible, accredited, teacher-supported, and affordable education from the comfort of your home. For any other questions about Enlightium, please call (509) 319-2288, or visit


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1. Hassel, B. C., & Terrell, M. G. (2009). How can virtual schools be a vibrant part of meeting the choice provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act? Retrieved from

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