Building Healthy Eating Habits


What is the best diet?

Is it low-fat? Low-carb? Paleo? Keto? Vegetarian? Mediterranean? And while it would be easier if there was The One Diet to Rule Them All, unfortunately, there isn’t one. What a bummer! We like easy answers, but life so rarely works out that way.

This is the fourth entry in the Healthy Meals for Homeschoolers series. You can find the entire series at this link.

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Tips for Pre-Prepping Ingredients


Welcome back to the next installment of our Healthy Meal Plan for Homeschoolers Series for Enlightium Academy. Finding new recipes and creating tasty meals with your children can be a great way to bond, as well as to help your child learn valuable life skills. One strategy to keep in mind when feeding your family throughout the week is to prepare the ingredients that you will need ahead of time. 

This is the third entry in the Healthy Meal for Homeschoolers series. You can find the entire series at this link.

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Eat Healthy Within your Budget


Welcome back to the next installment of Enlightium Academy’s Healthy Meals for Homeschoolers series. I am excited to share with you some of my ideas about family budget meals. When you think of family budget meals, what do you think of? Money? Spreadsheets? Penny-pinching?

This is the second entry in the Healthy Meal for Homeschoolers series. You can find the entire series at this link.

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The Value of a Meal Plan for Homeschoolers


Welcome to Enlightium Academy’s blog series, Healthy Meal Plans for Homeschoolers! It’s important for families to be healthy at home and in their communities. Food and nutrition are important components of lifelong health. My goal in this series is to share the tools you need to plan and provide healthy meals for your homeschoolers.

What is the best diet? People understand that there is a connection between what you eat and your health. Parents especially are eager to provide the best they can for their growing children. Whatever your family eats should meet your family’s health and nutrition needs, respect your resources (e.g. time, money, energy, and skills), and, of course, taste good! 

Meal planning is a popular method families use to make sure what they eat is appropriate for their lifestyle. Ideally, meal planning also makes mealtimes less stressful so you can enjoy spending more family time together. In the next sections, we will discuss the basics of meal plans, how you can stick to a meal plan, and what to do when you are tired of eating the same foods over and over. Finally, I will share a simple meal plan to help you get started.

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