How Jamaica Families Can Enroll at Enlightium Academy


Enlightium Academy is an approved private Christian school that is accredited by Cognia and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Enlightium has served homeschool, online, and co-op school students in K-12 since 2003. As K-12 education policies are different in each country, it is a parental responsibility to check on their country’s homeschool requirements and fulfill them as applicable. To assist parents with this process, Enlightium provides basic information about some country’s requirements. Parents are also encouraged to review their country’s requirements at and/or the Jamaica Ministry of Education and Youth, as educational policies are subject to change over time.

Homeschooling is legal in many countries; however, with the freedom to educational opportunities comes a responsibility to understand and fulfill legal requirements. This can be worrisome, yet you’re not alone in this endeavor. Enlightium Academy is here to help! 

Please note that the resources below serve as a starting point for your family; it is important that you research Jamaica’s homeschooling requirements.

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How Romania Families Can Enroll at Enlightium Academy


Enlightium Academy is an approved private Christian school that is accredited by Cognia and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Enlightium has served homeschool, online, and co-op school students in K-12 since 2003. As K-12 education policies are different in each country, it is a parental responsibility to check on their country’s homeschool requirements and fulfill them as applicable. To assist parents with this process, Enlightium provides basic information about some country’s requirements. Parents are also encouraged to review their country’s requirements at and/or the Romania Ministry of Education, as educational policies are subject to change over time.

Homeschooling is legal in many countries; however, with the freedom to educational opportunities comes a responsibility to understand and fulfill legal requirements. This can be worrisome, yet you’re not alone in this endeavor. Enlightium Academy is here to help! 

Please note that the resources below serve as a starting point for your family; it is important that you research Romania’s homeschooling requirements.

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10 Good Bible Verses to Help Teens Stay Strong in Today's World


Being a teenager can be tough, especially in today's world, where there are so many challenges and pressures. It's important for students to have a strong foundation to lean on during these difficult times. As parents and mentors, it's our responsibility to guide them toward sources of strength and inspiration. With this in mind, I have compiled a list of ten Bible verses that can help your student stay strong and grounded despite the challenges he or she may face. 

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October 31st: The Birth of Protestantism


Post tenebras lux (after darkness, light). These words were taken up as one of the mottos of the Reformation. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Holy Catholic Church found herself victim of a series of scandals and abuses. One needs only to google the name of Pope Alexander VI or Pope Leo X to discover the controversies in which the church was involved. But something was stirring in a small German town in the Fall of 1517. A young radical monk was about to launch one of the greatest and most influential movements the world had ever seen. Light was about to shine in the darkness.

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From Public School to Homeschool: Ten Tips for a Smooth Transition


The decision to transition from public school to homeschooling can be an intimidating one. After all, you are responsible for your child’s education, and there are a lot of variables to consider. But with careful preparation and the right support system, you can rest assured that the shift will be a smooth one. With that in mind, here are ten tips to help you make a successful transition from public school to homeschooling.

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How Enrolling in an Online School Gives Students the Opportunity to Work at Their Own Pace


Education is an essential part of everyone's life, but traditional classroom learning may not be the best fit for everyone. Fortunately, there is a growing trend towards online education, which offers more flexibility and a personalized learning experience for students. In this article, we will discuss how enrolling in an online school can give students the opportunity to work at their own pace and the various benefits that come with this approach.

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From Workload to Work Ahead: The Benefits of Having a Calendar on Your Online Student's Desk


As a parent of an online student, you want to make sure your child is on track to succeed. The best way to do this is to get them organized. One of the most effective tools for organizations is having a calendar on their desk. A calendar will help students write down due dates, projects, course start and end dates and plan ahead for holidays. By having a calendar in sight, it can motivate them to stay organized and work ahead. Let's take a closer look at why having a calendar on their desk can be beneficial for online students!

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Making the Switch to Homeschooling: How to Contact Your Child's Previous School with your Intent


Making the decision to homeschool your child is important, and it's essential to take the proper steps to have a smooth transition. One of the first steps when becoming a homeschooling family is contacting your student's previous school to inform them of your decision. This can often feel like a daunting process, but with the right information and attitude, you can make sure that everyone involved is on the same page. In this post, we'll discuss how to prepare for and contact your student's previous school when switching from traditional schooling to homeschooling.

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Choosing the Right Chair for Your Homeschool Student


Creating an environment that encourages learning and provides a comfortable space for homeschooled students is essential. One way to do this is by selecting the right chair for your student: one that will provide long-term comfort and support, as well as being aesthetically pleasing.

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Start Your Own Homeschool Co-Op Near You With Enlightium Academy's Alliance Program


As more parents look for personalized, flexible education solutions for their kids, homeschooling is becoming an increasingly popular choice. If you're considering starting a homeschool center in your city, Enlightium Academy's Alliance Program can provide the resources you need to get started.

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Homeschooling for ADHD Students: Is It Right for Your Child?


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects children and teens, making it difficult for them to focus and pay attention in a regular class setting. For many children with ADHD, a traditional brick-and-mortar school’s environment might hinder their learning. The idea of homeschooling their children also can be both intimidating and anxiety-inducing. Will my child do better academically if they learn from home? In this blog post, we will discuss the potential of homeschooling as an alternative learning option for students with ADHD and how it could benefit your child.

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How to Quickly Fix Slow Load Times on Your Child's Computer


Is your child's computer running slowly and taking far too long to open a new tab or load a page? In this blog post, we'll explore what causes slow loading times on computers and how to fix them quickly. So read on for some tips and tricks on getting your child's computer up and running in no time!

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How to Fast-Track Your Child's Homeschooling


Have you considered homeschooling for your child, but are worried about a lengthy admissions process? Don’t let that be an obstacle to a better education. With the right guidance and resources, you can easily fast-track the admission stage, no matter where in the world you live. In this blog, we’ll break down how parents can quickly and efficiently get their children set up with a quality homeschool education.

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Ready, Set, Launch! How to Start a Micro-school with Just Ten Students


Are you ready to start a micro-school? With just ten students, you can launch a school with the help of the Enlightium Academy Alliance Program team. All you need is a space within your church or a community center, a few computers, and the commitment and enthusiasm to create an individualized learning environment for your students. Let Enlightium Academy help you make your dream of launching a micro-school a reality!

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Does My Student Have the Best Internet Connection for Online Schooling?


Technology continues to grow exponentially, and so does our need for a reliable, efficient, and safe connection to the Internet. Internet Service Providers have developed several ways to connect to the Internet. Keep reading for a list of internet connection types and how well they work for online students.

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Navigating Annual Standardized Assessments for Homeschooled Students in Grade 8


For homeschooled students in grade 8, annual assessments are an important part of tracking progress. Not only do they provide feedback on academic strengths and weaknesses, but they can also offer insights into college readiness and career paths. This guide will explore the different tests available to homeschooled students in grade 8, including the PSAT 8/9, the CLT8, and the Iowa Complete. With this information in hand, parents can make informed decisions about which assessments best align with their student’s academic goals.

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How Do College Admission Officers View Students Who Were Homeschooled?


As homeschooling has become increasingly popular in recent years, many students and parents have wondered if college admission officers might “look down” on those who were homeschooled. The answer is a resounding “no;” college admissions officers recognize that homeschooled students can bring unique qualities and experiences to their campus. In fact, they often see the self-discipline and initiative that comes with homeschooling as an asset. In this blog, we’ll look at how college admissions view homeschoolers, what objectives you should focus on as a homeschool student, and tips for making your application stand out.

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How Restarting Your Computer Can Help Improve Online Student Performance


When your computer is having a problem, you've probably heard your student's teacher or tech support member tell you to “turn it off and back on again.” But why does this seemingly simple step often solve so many issues? In this blog post, we'll explore the science behind why restarting your computer can help improve your online student's performance. From frozen screens to sluggish Internet connections, being able to quickly troubleshoot and fix problems with a few clicks of the mouse could be the difference between success and failure for your child's online studies.

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Deciding Between a Laptop and Desktop for Your Student – What to Consider


When your student sets out to pursue online education, one of the first questions that might come to your mind is: should I purchase them a laptop or desktop? It can be a tough call. After all, you want to make sure your student has the best tools at their disposal for success. We'll look at the pros and cons of each option so you can feel confident in making the right choice. 

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Achieving Holistic Success: Bible Verses for Student-Athletes at Christian Schools


Student-athletes enrolled in Christian schools have the unique opportunity to pursue success holistically: spiritually, academically, and physically. But with the demands of school, extracurricular activities, and team practices, it can be difficult to stay focused on the important things. That's why we've put together a list of Bible verses specifically designed to help student-athletes stay motivated and keep their faith strong while pursuing their dreams at Christian schools. Let's take a look at some verses that can help you achieve holistic success!

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