
Part-Time Enrollment

Students have the option to enroll part-time at Enlightium

A student is considered part-time if Enlightium Academy will not be the primary school responsible for record-keeping and/or awarding a diploma for a graduating senior. If enrolling for the full school year, part-time students can choose between 0.5 and 3.75 credits. If enrolling for one semester, part-time students can choose between 0.5 and 1.75 credits. Please note on the enrollment form that your student will be enrolled part-time at Enlightium and which school is responsible for the record-keeping.

Admissions Process

Classes are typically assigned within three to five business days of enrollment. Please include the desired courses on the enrollment form to expedite the enrollment process. To enroll, simply pay the enrollment fee and submit the enrollment form. Note that students enrolled part-time must choose the Online Program, and that the Homeschool Program and Sapphire Live package are only available for full-time students. 

The 14-day trial begins from the day the enrollment form is submitted. Tuition is paid upfront by default, although upon request, it may be arranged into 1-3 monthly installments, depending on the course load.

Please contact an Enrollment Consultant at (866) 488-4818 // option 2 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about our part-time enrollment.

What’s the Difference Between Part-Time and Full-Time?

  Part-Time Full-Time
Learning Platforms The Online Program The Online Program, the Homeschool Program, and the Sapphire Live Package
Enlightium Provides Record-Keeping Only for courses taken at Enlightium For all courses
Student Takes an Entrance Assessment  
Family Provides Date of Birth Documentation
Enlightium Provides Counseling Support
Enlightium Provides Optional Social Opportunities  
Add-Ons are Available
Discounts Are Available  
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Enlightium Provides an Accredited Diploma  

*Any add-on fee will be in addition to the cost of the credit.

Explore the Curriculum

Primary School
Elementary School
Middle School
High School

Available Tuition Packages

Tuition for part-time students is based on the number of credits assigned.

Program and Package Availability
Program Part-Time Availability
Online Program Silver Package Only
Homeschool Program Not Available
Sapphire Live Program Not Available
Hybrid Program Not Available
Price per Credit
Part-Time Students Silver Package
$250 Enrollment Fee Per Student
0.5 Credit $200
1 Credit $400
1.5 Credits $600
2 Credits $800
2.5 Credits $1,000
3 Credits $1,200
3.5 Credits $1,400

Enlightium Academy is a private Christian school serving homeschool, online, and Alliance school students on their journey to embrace their God-given talents and develop a lifelong thirst for knowledge from the biblical worldview.

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