Students with failing grades in core classes and/or those who fall behind more than two weeks on average between all classes, without excused absences, are at risk of being labeled “at-risk”. This is to alert families of the risk that their student will not be able to complete the school year on time and/or with passing grades, and therefore may need a summer school extension, class assignment adjustments, and/or teacher and counselor intervention. The interventions may include a course plan adjustment by the student’s counselor, teacher collaboration on student learning needs, and/or suggestions to install monitoring software on the student’s computer to provide additional accountability and uncover any potential distractions the student may have.
Students who do not demonstrate improvement or sufficient effort after multiple interventions may be recommended for withdrawal so the family can find a learning environment that better suits the student.
Absences may be excused per approval via the Absence Form. Please contact the Enlightium team if you have any questions at (509) 319-2288 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
All new students are offered 14 calendar days after courses are assigned to test out Enlightium’s program. If the student’s family decides to withdraw within those 14 days, a withdrawal fee will not be charged and all paid tuition will be refunded. The enrollment fee is non-refundable after three business days. If parents are still not sure about continuing enrollment at Enlightium, they can reach out to the Enlightium team with their questions or concerns by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling (509) 319-2288.
If withdrawing after the 14-day trial period, the tuition is prorated based on the time enrolled (if on track or behind) or work completed (if ahead) and a staggered withdrawal fee applies to the remaining balance: 20% for withdrawing between 15–30 calendar days, 30% for 31–60 days, 40% for 61–90 days from beginning coursework, and no refund after 90 days.
If after the 14-day trial period Enlightium Academy has not met a family’s expectations, Enlightium's administration team will investigate any of their concerns and enact changes as needed. Families can communicate any concerns directly to the administration team by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Credit and debit card refunds take 7–10 business days to process for transactions less than a month old. If the most recent transaction is over a month old, a direct deposit or check will need to be requested. Direct deposits can be processed within 3-4 business days. You may contact the Billing Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.
If a primary school student (PreK–2nd grade) withdraws, the staggered withdrawal fee applies only to the tuition. The “beginning of coursework" is considered two weeks from the date that the book order form was emailed to the Primary Parent on file. Parents will need to coordinate with Alpha Omega Publications or BJU Press about book returns and reimbursements.